A Guide to Cruise Ship Slip & Fall Injury Claims

Serving Families Throughout Miami

Imagine that you are on vacation with your family, soaking up the sun on the deck of a cruise ship headed to the Caribbean. Suddenly, you slip and fall on a wet patch, breaking your hip. Now what?

Unfortunately, this hypothetical scenario is a reality for many. Countless cruise ship passengers suffer preventable injuries every year, oftentimes as a result of the negligence of a cruise line or its employees. Slip and fall accidents make up the majority of these incidents, causing a variety of injuries including head trauma, broken bones, and spinal cord injuries. In many cases, compensation can be sought for these types of injuries by filing a personal injury claim.

Causes of Cruise Ship Slip & Fall Accidents

While there are a nearly infinite number of ways that a slip and fall accident can happen, negligence is usually a contributing factor. Establishing and proving this negligence are key aspects of filing a successful claim, along with showing that the negligence caused the plaintiff to suffer damages.

There are a variety of factors that can cause a slip and fall accident, including:

  • Improperly stored equipment
  • Food trays left in walkways
  • Poorly illuminated staircases
  • Wet floors
  • Rocking boats
  • Torn carpeting

A slip and fall accident can occur both on and off of a cruise ship, including gangways, on tender boats, while on an excursion on the shore under the cruise line’s care, and within cabins.

How Can I Strengthen My Claim?

If you have been injured in a slip and fall on a cruise, there are several things you can do to strengthen your claim. If possible, it is always recommended that you get photographs or video of the scene. Make notes of anything you see, smell, or hear. These details, while seemingly insignificant, can be of great importance later on when trying to recreate the accident.

Injured? Call Michael C. Black, P.A. Today!

The most important thing you can do if you should ever be injured on a cruise ship is to contact an experienced Miami cruise ship injury lawyer from Michael C. Black, P.A. Our firm’s experienced attorneys have been representing accident victims since 1983, giving us the invaluable experience you need to maximize your chances of securing fair compensation for your case. We are intimately familiar with the complexities of cruise ship lawsuits, and we are prepared to do everything within our power to protect your rights.

To get started towards retaining the representation you deserve, contact our office online or request a complimentary case evaluation today!